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We accept self-referrals and referrals from third parties with the person's consent ; we can work with people who are 16 and over with mild to moderate eating distress.

The first step is to complete this registration form. You will receive email acknowledgement that we've received your referral, usually within one week.

You will then be contacted via. email with further information about our service, and how to book an initial assessment appointment. You will generally receive this within 1-3 weeks and attend your initial assessment with one of our experienced counsellors.

Our counsellor will take some more information from you; tell you about our services and answer any questions you might have; and discuss practical considerations like when you're available for counselling and whether you'd like to see someone face to face or online.

If you have any difficulties completing the online registration form please call us on 0191 221 0233.

Please note that we may not be the right service for you if:

You have a severely low weight (a BMI of below 17.5). We would encourage you to visit your GP for a referral to NHS Eating Disorders Service who would be the more appropriate service for you.
• Are purging (self-induced vomiting) more than once a day.  We would encourage you to visit your GP for a referral to NHS Eating Disorders Service who would be the more appropriate service for you.
• Have a condition or diagnosis which may impair your ability to engage with the counselling process, however we can and will make reasonable adjustments wherever possible so you can access our services.
• If you are receiving counselling or psychological therapy with other services, we will not usually be able to start your counselling sessions at EDNE until this work has ended.
• You are experiencing a mental health crisis. We are not a crisis service and we would encourage you to contact the relevant crisis service.


"*" indicates required fields

Please fill in to register

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Your Address
*We ask for your email address so that we can send you access to our online booking system. We never share your contact details with other organisations. If you are unable to provide an email address, please let us know and we will make alternative arrangements to contact you

This should be the person you would like us to contact in the event that you need urgent assistance whilst using our services
Your GP/Doctor's details*

How did you hear about Eating Distress North East?*

Referred by (please tell us who is making this referral)*

Which EDNE services are you interested in?*

What kind of eating distress are you experiencing?*

Communication preferences and privacy

The information which you supply may be used to:

  • Assess which of our services are suitable for you
  • Contact you about appointments
  • Report to funders and bid for new funding to continue our services. Information is anonymised for the whole service so no individual is named or identified
  • Send you information about our services and events

We use your contact details to communicate with you about appointments and waiting times, usually by email or mobile phone, so that we can contact you quickly.Please let us know your preferred method(s) of communication:

Please Select*
Would you like to hear about other opportunities or events at Eating Distress North East?
We will only ever send you information that is relevant to you and/or your organisation and you can opt out at any time. EDNE does not share individual personal information with third parties unless we are following our risk and safeguarding procedures or are required to do so by law. View EDNE’s full Privacy Notice.

Equality and Diversity Monitoring – Private and Confidential

PART A – Personal Information
You do not have to give us this information and it will not affect your access to our services if you choose not to share with us any of the information requested on this form. See Part B for details of why and how Eating Distress North East uses this information.

Would you describe yourself as:*
What is your sexual orientation:*

How would you describe your ethnicity?
Asian or Asian British:

Black / African / Caribbean / Black British:

Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Heritage:


Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a long-term health condition?*

Please select the box that best describes you:*

PART B –Confidentiality and Privacy

The equality and diversity information which you supply to us may be used to:

  • Ensure that our services are reaching everyone who needs them.
  • Report to funders and bid for new funding to continue our services. Any equality and diversity information is anonymised for the whole service and no individual is named or identified.

Eating Distress North East does not share individual personal information with third parties unless we are following our risk and safeguarding procedures or are required to do so by law.

To see how Eating Distress North East uses your information, how we maintain the security of your information, and your rights to access the information we hold on you, please go to our Privacy Policy

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What you say


You think you’re the only person in the world. Now I’ve found out I’m not the only one.


The counselling sessions were absolutely amazing and life-changing.


I used to block out feeling with food, it’s not like that now’


Once I got through the door it was easy. They didn’t judge. EDNE helped me to get to be this new person. The old one never looked up and never spoke.


The EDNE counsellor’s the only person who has helped me.. the big high walls have come down


It has literally changed the quality of my life.


Eating distress such a secretive thing. This has been the first time I didn’t feel alone with it.


The counselling has been a big turning point and the support from EDNE has been amazing.


‘..has given me life-changing help. They’ve helped me overcome the barriers. It’s been about unravelling decades.


EDNE started me thinking about what resilience is and how I could manage day to day and have strategies’


EDNE was friendly welcoming and flexible


‘I couldn’t have managed without coming here. I genuinely think this place has kept me alive. I have a sense of hope now.’


..entire process has been incredibly supportive and empathetic, giving me the support I needed to move forwards.


‘It was not just putting a plaster over something, it was about healing it. I can’t describe how it feels to have switched my mindset, after 50 years it is mind-blowing’


I was given permission to feel. Instead of being a person with an eating disorder, I was a person who could feel feelings’


I’ve really appreciated the help I’ve been given at EDNE, I didn’t feel like I was just there as a client who just needed to get to the end of their sessions. I actually felt heard and understood.

Maudsley Course Testimonials

The course exceeded my expectations ! ..Excellent practical examples.. Feels empowering to have these tools…

Maudsley Course Testimonials

I would thoroughly recommend this course to other carers wherever they are on their journey of supporting a loved one with and ED. Thank you EDNE.

Maudsley Course Testimonials

your unerring positivity, your calmness.. your skill, your knowledge and true EMPATHY(!) lifted the darkness and I am sure made everyone feel SO much better. I feel more positive today than I have for ages.

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58 Leazes Park Rd
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: 0191 221 0233

RED CAN Member of The Regional Eating Disorders Charity Alliance Network

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